Registration Information
Price List
45 minutes $50.00/mo.
1 hour $56.00/mo.
Additional class discounts 20% off the second class of lesser value taken 30% off every class after the second of lesser value taken Sibling discounts 15% off the second child’s tuition off lesser value Your tuition will automatically be withdrawn on the 1st of the month, if you would like to pay by cash or check it must be done before the 1st. If the card we have on file is declined you will be charged a $15 fee.

Tuition is based off of our 40 week fall session and broken down into 12 monthly installments due on the 1st of each month from August 1st-May 1st. Your tuition will automatically be withdrawn on the 1st of the month, if you would like to pay by cash or check it must be done before the 1st. If the card we have on file is declined you will be charged a $15 fee. You are required to keep a valid credit card on file in your jackrabbit account, if you need assistance to edit your payment details you can stop by our front office or call us during open office hours at 850-683-9995.
We require a 30 day written notice to withdrawal from a class, in the form of an email or written form in our office. If your drop is not received 30 days prior to the 1st of the month you will be responsible for the following month’s tuition.